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Course Director's Corner: Civil Affairs Course

Civil-Military Operations (CMO) has been at the forefront of any military operations, not through combat operations but of targeting the enemy's main source of strength, the support of the people.


Winning the support of the people is the CMO's main thrust and in order for the soldiers to accomplish that they should be able to effectively engage the communities and their leaders. That is the role of Civil Affairs as one of the pillars of CMO, to directly communicate and integrate with the people. 


Civil Affairs addresses civil vulnerabilities in order to achieve the right "effects", i.e. win the people's support of the CMO objectives and sever their relationship with the enemy.


In order for CA operators to do this, they should possess certain level of skills and master the art of interpersonal communication and engagement. There is also a need for them to be equipped of the science of civil affairs because in order to implement civil-military programs successfully, one must undergo a process and deep analysis on the current operational environment.


Now as a challenge to every soldier that passes through the portals of this training institution, become an effective CA operator. You need to adapt not only with your operational environment but also with the kind of people that you are going to work with. Apply the core process of CA to help you achieve your units' objectives.


Remember, CMO through CA is never an easy task but if done properly, it will widen our influence to the people and will eventually lead us to the realization of what we've been trying to achieve, a just and lasting peace for our homeland.

Major Arbern Rommel Abiva

Being a course director is an extraordinary task.  It is an overwhelming challenge and a great responsibility that I embraced and pledged to do my best. Learning and character development serves as my guiding principle in handling the Information Support Affairs (ISA) Course Class 67-2018.


Knowledge alone is inadequate for us to thrive in ISA. It is a specialized field that requires passion, dedication, hard work, team work, discipline and leadership.  I believe that these essential components, if coupled with our ability to plan and execute ISA activities, will lead us to success.


To my students, what you have learned for the past three months of gruelling academics and thought-provoking practical exercises will make you better ISA operators.  Just like what I experienced as a course director, I became an instructor-student at some point in the course. Listening to your CMO success stories and obtaining new concepts shared by our guest lecturers also broadened my capacity as an educator.  


As graduates of the ISA course, you are now part of a  small but growing family of ISA specialists.   It has been proven that psychological operations plays, and will continue to play a vital role in accomplishing our mission.  That is why we have to increase our numbers, and the Army CMO School relies on you to relay and share what you have gained from this noble institution.  Create a way to address the gap and develop a common understanding within your unit on how ISA can contribute to the accomplishment of the mission.


To the members of Information Affairs Class 67-2018 “Buklod-Diwa”, congratulations for hurdling the arduous days of academics and the endless demands of the training.  The knowledge you have acquired throughout your stay in CMO School will be your tool to plan and implement an effective ISA operations. Continue to hone the rudiments of ISA because our environment, our target audiences and our confronted enemies are continuously evolving.  Do not be afraid to make calculated risks and to explore new things. Be innovative, be creative and develop new ways to disseminate your messages. Saturate the stage with our messages and narratives, and let the adversaries feel the power of influence.


There are a thousand ways to accomplish a mission, and what you have learned in Civil-Military Operations School is just a part of it.  It is a skill that fades if you do not practice it. Be relevant and be the best Information Support Affairs specialist that you can be. Treasure the knowledge, skills and experience that you have gained for it will come handy when you least expect it. When that time comes, it is always good to be prepared. Congratulations “Buklod-Diwa”, never seen but always felt.

Captain John Dave Aguilar

Course Director's Corner: Information Support Affairs Course


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