Achieving Peace Through Communication

“The art of communication is the language of leadership.” --James Humes
Our ability to effectively communicate can spell the difference between our success and failure in life. Communication is not just a way for us to get along, it is the heart of life, the only way of understanding life and living it successfully. That is why communication is crucial to a leader’s success. A leader can accomplish nothing unless he can communicate effectively.
Among all the courses offered in the Philippine Army, only a few focuses on the importance of effective communication. Most of us are not aware that to become an effective leader, one must first become an effective communicator. Luckily, I am enrolled in one of these courses, the Public Affairs Course of the Army Civil-Military Operations School.
The Public Affairs Course focuses on developing its students to be an effective communicator through its curriculum that focuses on enhancing not just our individual skills but most importantly, in furthering the objectives of the Philippine Army –serving the Filipino people. It hones us to become well rounded soldiers in both verbal and non-verbal communication through public information and community relations.
Through effective communication, we do not just learn how to understand others, but also how others can understand us. You may have a great idea, but if you cannot deliver it effectively, it will only remain as an idea and nothing more. For the Philippine Army to be understood and appreciated by the Filipino public, it is a must that our organization train soldiers of becoming effective communicators who know how to listen to the public and effectively relay the messages and stands of the Army.
Moreover, the Public Affairs Course focuses not only on the external relations of the Army, but also on improving the communication system within the organization. As much as it is important that we have good communication with the public, having a standardized communication system within the organization would develop and improve the proper and effective communication skills of each soldier. We must learn to act and speak accordingly before we can do our mandated tasks and attain our goals.
Lastly, communication is viewed as the solvent for any human problem. As an organization that aims to bring peace and prosperity in our country, it is vital to develop effective communication skills in our soldiers. Only through this can we begin to solve or mitigate the problems that impedes the growth and development of our society. If we study history thoroughly, we can come up with a list of the causes of wars, and one of the factors that we will encounter is misunderstanding and miscommunication.
Fortunately, our Army gives prime importance in training our soldiers to be effective communicators. The Public Affairs Course helps our soldiers to help bring back the peacefulness and the glory of our country through effective communication. It is now time to make a difference. Communication is the key. Take the Public Affairs Course.